Byzantine Amphoriskos Bird 5th-7th Century AD

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Item condition: Used

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SKU: e2ef524fbf3d Category:


A bronze figurine in the shape of an eagle, with circular foot; the head well detailed with concentric eyes and beak, the body with stylised regular representation of feathers. Cf. Papanikola-Bakirtzi, D. (ed.), Everyday life in Byzantium. Byzantine Hours. Works and days in Byzantium, Exhibition catalogue, Thessaloniki, White Tower October 2001-January 2002, Athens, 2002, nos.641-642, for the type. 32 grams, 40mm (1 1/2″). German collection before 2000. Collection of Mr D.H. formed in UK, from the EU art market. Property of a Surrey gentleman. The bird could be used at the top of a bronze stirrer, used for liturgical functions, but more probably it was the lid of a small bronze amphoriskos intended to hold perfumes and aromas inside the house. In particular, an amphoriskos from Roman Egypt was closed with a similar lid, with a bronze cross surmounting the head of the bird.
Very fine condition.

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Weight 32 g

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Auction started 03/12/2023 5:00 pm

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