Roman Square-Shaped Bell 1st, 3rd Century AD

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Item condition: Used

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SKU: 1c383cd30b7c Category:


A bronze bell of quadrilateral form, with a rectangular cross-section at base, tapering to a rounded dome with large integral suspension loop with five facets to the outer face; clanger absent. Cf. The Metropolitan Museum, New York, accession numbers 98.11.34; 89.4.2429 and 89.4.1614, for similar. 160 grams, 83 mm (3 1/4 in.). Acquired before 2000.From the collection of a European gentleman living in the UK. The Romans used bells in ritual and secular contexts, when they could be suspended from the necks of animals, worn for talismanic protection or as anklets by servants

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Weight 160 g

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Auction started 03/12/2023 5:00 pm

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